Power Games
March 9– 29, 2010
Curated by Thalia Vrachopoulos

Kang's current series Power Games contains
subject matter that relates to the dualistic nature of life's cycle:
destruction and renewal. She makes a powerful statement about survival
within the inherently dangerous ecological environment in which
life occurs. She demonstrates the Darwinist euphemism "survival
of the fittest" in her works that contain flora and fauna as
metaphors of life. The eagle or the phoenix stands as emblems of
authority, at times attacking serpents or smaller prey. In turn,
the serpent then attacks and devours a tiny bird or insect. This
never-ending cycle of death is also one of renewal, for in nurturing
the stronger, undoubtedly, life is also perpetuated. This is the
natural rhythm of life that imposes order on chaotic nature.
Kang's backgrounds are immaculately painted formulating smooth glossy
surfaces upon which her natural motifs exist. Her animals and plants
are composed of beads, crystals and sequins painstakingly applied
to her surfaces. They glitter and shine wearing crowns of glory
like their royal human corollaries. At other times they swoop down
in feathery exaltation to grab their quarry for the kill. Whatever
form these entities take in the work of Kang they are glorious creatures
that while sparkling in their pageantry cause us to think.
Kang received her first MFA in Seoul and earned her
second MFA from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. The artist works and
maintains a studio in Manhattan.
For More Information:
Thalia Vrachopoulos, Ph.D. Exhibitions Director and Curator, thaliav@juno.com
Michael Yuge: Administrative Director, tci@tenri.org or 212-645-2800
Birth of a Culture, 2010, 48 x 36 inches Beads,sequins
on canvas
From Left to right:
Rehabilatation, 2006, 27 x 35 inches Beads,mixed
medium on canvas
Power Game III, 2008, 27 x 35 inches Beads, acrylic
on canvas
The Cannibal, 2006, 27 x 35 inches Acrylic on
Secret Garden II, 2009, 27 x 35 inches Beads,sequins
on canvas