Tenri Cultural Institute Party for the New Year

Tenri Cultural Institute’s New Year Party was
held on January 6 (Friday).
This year over 200 people participated with Tenrikyo followers, students
from the Japanese school and their family and friends attending. Beginning
from last year, students and their parents from the children’s class
were invited, which made the Party a lively affair. Members of the Tenrikyo
Women’s Association in New York, staff of TCI and NY Center helped
prepare food; guests wined and dined throughout the night. Following the
presentation of perfect attendance awards, there was a kimono demonstration
which was a big hit last year, as well as Japanese calligraphy and origami
demonstrations, giving those who attended a chance to experience a Japanese
New Year’s celebration.
Rev. Okui presenting
the perfect attendance award |
Demonstration of how to wear
a kimono |
Rev. Okui giving the New
Year Greeting speech |
New Year Party Greeting by Toshihiko
Okui, Executive Director
Happy New Year 2006 or the 169th year of the Teachings of Tenrikyo!
I thank all of you for attending the Tenri Cultural Institute’s
New Year Party.
In February we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of TCI. We originally
opened in February 1991 in SoHo with six students. In fifteen years, TCI
instructors have taught 1680 students in the adult class. Three years
ago, we added a children’s class. Due to everyone’s cooperation,
we have been able to make TCI into the lively place it is today.
This year several instructors are scheduled to return to Japan.
However, we promise that our new instructors will do their best to remain
true to our motto of "unlimited kindness," so we ask for your
continued support.
This year is a special year for Tenrikyo followers. It is the 120th
year since our beloved Oyasama withdrew from physical life. Because the
entire year will commemorate the 120th Anniversary of Oyasama, people
from all over the world are expected to return to Tenri this year. TCI’s
adult class is also planning tours to Japan that will guide students to
Tenri. Detailed announcements are forthcoming. If there are any of you
who are planning a trip to Japan on your own, please contact us and we
will assist you in any way that we can.